Adam Kreek : 5 ways to build & support a resilient team

1. Do it, then say it.
Our five year old, Jefferson, was rolling around on the couch after dinner. “I want to watch something” he moaned, eyeing the computer sitting on the coffee table and yearning for Netflix. My wife and I were busily cleaning up after dinner. “We need to finish our work before we relax,” I said. “Look at Mommy and I; are we sitting down? Or are we working hard to clean the kitchen?” Jefferson watched us both for a moment, considering my question, then walked to the table and began to clear the final dishes. You’d like a great team and committed individuals? Start with you. Are you showcasing the behaviors you’d like displayed throughout your team? Are you consistently improving your work? Lead by example. If you’re demanding excellence from your team, demand it from yourself first. Others will take notice. Be the change you wish to see in your team. What action will you take today that exemplifies your ideal team member?2. Take Time for Trust

3. Build Slow. Test Soon. Cut Quick.
Our daughter took her first steps at 18 months. One week later, she was sprinting around the house, and I’m convinced at 2 that she’ll soon outpace me. A couple tumbles and she quickly learned which foot movements were most efficient and which movements she needed to cut from her repertoire. When she was ready, she was ready – and she took off running. Albeit, her preparation was lengthy, and no amount of encouragement or teaching on our part sped up her process or readiness. This is a great metaphor for team building. First, whenever possible make the right hire – that is, ensure the new hire is walking. Too often we hire or promote someone prematurely in hopes that ‘soon’ they’ll be up ready for the position. If they aren’t walking, don’t hire them. Next, build the best team by employing the most ancient technology on this planet: patience. Too often we want too much too quickly. Allow your new team members the adequate support to find their balance and and succeed from day one. Once they’re stable, then quicken the pace. Finally, test new team members with with a project that matters early on. Your job? Support them fully – and coach them up, or coach them out. John Milton from Paradise Lost said it best: “Virtue is not virtue until it is tested”. If your team member passes the test, let both them and the team know. If they fail and you feel they will fail continually, do what’s necessary to cut them from the team. It’s not personal; you need the best fit for any given position. Not everyone is the right fit for the job. Forget about the stress of training a new hire, or the time sink of paperwork. It will cost more time and money in the long run to have the wrong person on the team. What team member needs to be coached up? What team member needs to be coached out?4. Employ Diversity
On my Olympic eight-man rowing team, diversity gave us a strength that was unbeatable. Jake was obsessed with results. His mantra? “It doesn’t matter how you do it, just get there first!”. Kyle on the other hand was methodical and process oriented. His mantra? “Follow the process and you will get there first.” The irony? Jake and Kyle became the two fastest rowers in the country. We needed both of them in the eight. In the end, our team benefited from both Kyle’s consistency and Jake’s urgency. Kyle’s consistency prevented the lows, and Jake’s urgency pushed our highs even higher. The result of this and other diversity within our boat? Olympic Gold.
5. Find Small Wins Together
While less trumpeted than Olympic size victories, small wins are powerful because they can be sought out and replicated routinely. The result? A snowball effect. Small wins form the basis of a consistent pattern of success and are the necessary building blocks of big wins. Facilitate these small gold medals by setting routine goals, acknowledge their achievement and most importantly, celebrating everyone who contributes. When a team experiences a pattern of consistent and celebrated small wins, it can’t help but strive for big wins. Karl Weick says it well, “Once a small win has been accomplished, forces are set in motion that favor another small win. When a solution is put in place, the next solvable problem often becomes more visible. This occurs because new allies bring new solutions with them and old opponents change their habits. Additional resources also flow toward winners, which means that slightly larger wins can be attempted.” What small win can you create and celebrate with your team today?Which of these 5 strategies can you apply today?
1. Do it then say it.
2. Take time for trust.
3. Build Slow, Test Soon, Cut Quick
4. Employ Diversity
5. Find Small Wins Together.