Canada’s Greatest Explorers
Exploration is an extremely hard word to unravel. (My first expedition, the American Man in Sea project supported by the U.S. Navy and National Geographic, took place in 1964. I’ve been struggling with a definition of exploration ever since.) Here’s a version that came from our team on the recent James Cameron-National Geographic Deepsea Challenge expedition: “Exploration is about forging dramatic new relationships with the natural world and telling essential stories to accelerate our understanding of the critical importance of these relationships.” In a story about astronaut Dave Williams, I wrote: “Exploration is a way of thinking and acting, a way of living that fully engages you in the wonder and beauty of natural and human-made worlds. Exploration keeps you asking questions, accepting challenges, and developing the mental dexterity needed to solve 21st-century problems. Exploration keeps you young. There are a lot of ways to define this essential human principle. There may be as many forms of exploration as there are explorers.”Learn more about some of the trailblazing speakers below: