A House In The Sky is Hitting the Silver Screen

Now I hear that #AnnapurnaPictures has optioned the memoir & the fab #RooneyMara will produce & may star in it. #AHouseInTheSky Exciting!
— Sara Clark (@SaraMakeup2014) June 26, 2014
Congratulations to the extraordinary @AmandaLindhout for having her Memior picked up to be made into a Film! #shedeservesit #ahouseinthesky
— Kassandra (@xokassandrac) June 26, 2014
Congratulations my beautiful @AmandaLindhout. xx http://t.co/vyRoPLy20c — zahra al-harazi (@zahrasays) June 26, 2014
We”ll keep you updated with any key developments in this via our twitter feed.