Jesse Hirsh | The Economy of the Future: Four Trends to Think about Now

1) Open Source Technology
The most powerful companies today (Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM, Twitter) are all based on open source and leverage the speed of technological development towards growth in their various services and initiatives; open source allows us to focus on ideas, services and execution, rather than reinventing the wheel.
2) Artificial Intelligence
Open source is also fueling the rapid development of artificial intelligence and machine learning by making it remarkably accessible to experiment with and adopt.
3) Multiple Internets?

4) Citizen Science
To ensure our prosperity and democracy in the economy of the future is to also embrace citizen science as a means of both informing and engaging the public in the ongoing development of economic opportunities and enterprises. Citizen science is an emerging method of using principles of scientific research and experimentation to facilitate greater participation and community involvement. One of the benefits of citizen science is to access greater research and harness greater capacities. However, another benefit is to involve citizens in the decisions and developments that impact their communities and environments. Therefore, rather than see community and industry as oppositional, citizen science provides a bridge to find commonality and foster shared responsibility.