New Topic & Book Release – Economorphics: The Trends Turning Today into Tomorrow

In Economorphics, audiences will learn about:
The Big Demographic Shifts • Why the demographic window is slamming shut • How a wave of mobility is changing the global playing field • Why cities are getting bigger, and why that means there is more at stake in terms of the economy. The Economic Power Shifts • Why the economic deck is getting reshuffled, and which countries that are moving up, and moving down; • Why a new middle class is emerging • Why North America’s income structure is starting to resemble a stuck teeter-totter, and what that means to the economic outlook. The New Realities and Attitudes • Why resource prices are headed up • Why work is not a place anymore, and what that will mean for the people who used to be employers and employees; • Why financial markets are going to be challenging for a long while to come, and how you can safeguard yourself and your investments; • Why what the boomers do next still matters, and what it is that they are likely to do; • Why the era of “ladies first” is upon us • Why we are on the edge of a new age of innovation (and why we really need to be on the edge of one).