Speaking Innovation | PCMA Canadian Innovation Conference 2015

Nancy Vonk & Janet Kestin | Women Behind Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty
Monday, November 23rd Keynote (08:00 AM – 10:00 AM): Deep Dive Into the Right Side
Janet Kestin and Nancy Vonk are among the very few women in the world to have held top creative posts in the advertising field. Advocates for women in all industries, they have been in the global spotlight for creating ground-breaking campaigns and inspiring their teams to do the same. Their passionate belief in helping companies do better by women, and women do better for themselves and their companies, led to their recent book: Darling, You Can’t Do Both (And Other Noise To Ignore On Your Way Up). The Daily Mail published an excerpt of the book, describing the rules to break if you want to get ahead. You can read it here.
Last month they delivered a presentation at Infopresse to rave reviews:
Ovation debout pour les dernières conférencières @janetkestin et @nancyvonk! #ipconf #forumfemmes pic.twitter.com/gW8PtarqG5
— Infopresse (@Infopresse) October 7, 2015
Thank you @janetkestin and @nancyvonk for your eye opening, inspiring and motivating talk. #womenleaders #ipconf @Infopresse — Olivia Commune (@OliviaCommune) October 7, 2015
“Standing ovation” pour terminer cette journée de conférences! Merci beaucoup à @janetkestin @nancyvonk #ipconf pic.twitter.com/rVmY89hDI0
— Adrien Tombari (@AdrienTombari) October 7, 2015
Lucky to have this brilliant creative duo at the #ipconf @nancyvonk @janetkestin @arnaudgranata @Infopresse @adage pic.twitter.com/eXM6HTiXAt — Anna Goodson (@AnnaGoodson) October 7, 2015
Séan McCann | Addiction Survivor & Great Big Singer
Tuesday, November 24th Keynote: The Séan McCann Story
Séan McCann, widely known as a founding member of the internationally renowned band, Great Big Sea, has spent the last 20 years sailing around the world enamouring audiences from Copenhagen to California. Today his mantra is ‘help your self’, breaking the silence on his past addiction, abuse and using music to change his life for the better.
Séan recently launched a new record “You Know I Love You” which he discussed on Canada AM last month:
Kelly Lovell | Youth Engagement Expert & Media Personality
Monday, November 23rd Panel (4:30 PM – 5:00 PM): The Power of YOUth
How can you find your voice as a young leader? How do you become one of the great leaders people admire; so clear on their purpose, so respected and supported? Kelly explores these questions and the challenges that young people face when taking on leadership roles. Through reflecting on some of her own experiences, Kelly offers advice on how to utilize your power as a young person to lead, implement change, and make a difference.
Kelly spoke at the S.H.E. Summit last month where she shared lessons on Authentic Leadership:
Paul Bridle | Leadership Methodologist
Monday, November 23rd Panel (10:30 AM – 12:00 PM): Tattoos & Piercings vs. Suits & Ties: Are Companies Keeping Up With the Mainstream?
Paul Bridle is the world’s foremost leadership methodologist. For over 20 years, he has studied successful businesses and organizations, focusing on the people who lead them. His research has helped him determine the mindset—and methodology—required to become a successful leader.

Dave Williams | Record-breaking Astronaut and Aquanaut, CEO Southlake Regional Health Centre
Greg Johnson | Storm-Chaser and Severe Weather Expert
Amanda Lindhout | Kidnap Survivor & Humanitarian
Randy Cass | Founder of Nest Wealth and Fintech Innovator
More details on the even can be found here: